it’s time to stop trying to do all – and – be all.





it’s time to untangle everthing!

As a business owner, there just aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish #AllTheThings.

So, close your eyes and imagine this … You have a graphic designer, a social guru, a copywriter, web tech supports, and a VA on call to help you with whatever you need, whenever you need it. I bet that got super-duper excited, and … your hamster wheel of ideas spinning.

Maybe your brand is outdated and needs a refresh. Or maybe you need some social images (or a full-blown strategy). Or help with that eBook that isn’t going to format itself. Or your website has some funky issues and you don’t have time or patience for it anymore. Or your CRM is highly outdated and needs a quick clean-up … Perhaps you want to say YES to it all … and get “untangled” VA style too because your feeling like a hot mess! You can’t remember any of your passwords, the floor around you is stacked with papers that need organizing, and you can’t find your cat! Well, while we can’t help you find “fluffy”, but we can help you with all those other goals.

so, let’s create some
virtual magic together.
get all-inclusve instant relief.

Choosing one of our All-Inclusive retainers is the most cost-effective solution to your virtual pain points opposed to hiring in-house. YOU get to choose how much time you need. YOU get to choose which projects get tackled when. And YOU are not stuck paying per project or for a full-time employee by the hour. Now, I think that calls for the ultimate highest of fives!

Below is a list of our All-Inclusive retainers, meaning we’ve got all your bases covered.

And not only do you have the options to get some design and marketing work done (graphic and/or web), but you can also get help with the day-to-day stuff (virtual assistance) on your never-ending to-do list. #HotMessNoMore!

5hr retainer
(CAD) Per Month
All prices in Canadian dollars (CAD)
** Inquire within **
10hr retainer
(CAD) Per Month
All prices in Canadian dollars (CAD)
** Inquire within **
14hr retainer
(CAD) Per Month
All prices in Canadian dollars (CAD)
** Inquire within **
18hr retainer
(CAD) Per Month
All prices in Canadian dollars (CAD)
** Inquire within **
gold package (25hr)
(CAD) Per Month
All prices in Canadian dollars (CAD)
** Inquire within **
platinum elite (40hr)
(CAD) Per Month
All prices in Canadian dollars (CAD)
Additional perks - inquire within

Millions of business owners suffer from lost time syndrome — and some aren’t even aware of it. Since inception, we have produced cutting-edge creative and organizational solutions for businesses (of all shapes and sizes) all around the world. We helped every single one of them reignite that special passion with their brand, how they feel about it, and how they feel about their business as a whole.

We are a full-service business and we’ve got you covered … From design and content, right through to digital an organization, all to help you create a better everyday life.

You will form a long-lasting relationship with us as collaboration is central to everything we do. And yes, we may nudge you out of your comfort zone from time-to-time, but it’s only so you can shine — as you should, and deserve to! And we cannot wait to have the opportunity to virtually work with YOU! By crafting amazingly strategic designs and processes that pack a punch, and by creating unique digital experiences.

We develop strategies, build brands, create content, get things organized and then some — all to inspire the people our brands care most about. With more than 20 years of knowledge and expertise in the virtual world, delivering that WOW experience — all day, everyday! — we ARE the digital glue to your big picture!

Never give up because of the time it will take to accomplish something. Your future is created by what you do TODAY, not tomorrow.

Years of Experience
HAPPY Clients
Cups of Caffeine
Hours of Hard Work

Want to LIVE an everyday better LIFE?


get virtually "untangled" ... for digital survival. with graphic design. with digital glue services. with virtual assistance. with everything in between.

Survival Packages

Every business is at a different stage when it comes to their marketing and digital-facing needs. That’s why we offer specialized “survival” packages that are easily customizable to meet your needs.

Branding + Design

This is our “secret sauce”. It’s time to join forces and bring that vision to life through services such as logos, social media,  newsletters, eBooks, and even promo videos. The virtual world is truly your oyster.

Digital Glue Options

We are a brand, design, and digital creative agency. We bring new brands to life and breathe new life into existing ones. Our most requested “untangling” services are bundled by social and web.

Virtual Assistance

The world of to-do’s is large and vast! We take organization and productivity VERY seriously (hence “untangled” in our name). Hiring a virtual team is the new-age, cost-effective way of doing business.

just looking for va supports?

We are on your side and want to do everything we can to help. So, if you don’t need the fancy design or web work, and just need to be virtually “untangled” …

WHY CHOOSE virtually untangled.






since our inception we have produced

cutting-edge creative and Iinnovative designs for the following companies …

We BUILD brands, UNTANGLE businesses, and HELP them succeed.