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- Monday - Thursday 7:00am - 3:00pm (CST)
Tech For Non-Techies …!
(Snippits from our oh so popular Digital Glue Podcast!)
No matter how non-technical your life may be, in your business you’re going to have to interact with it – no if’s, and’s, or buts about it — and with technical people too. So, if you already happen to have a team of tech gurus (also known as “techies”) by your side that’s a huge advantage for you and your business.
But what we (meaning us nerdy tech-preneurs) would like you to remember is that just because it may seem “easy” to produce, doesn’t mean it doesn’t take time and effort. And on top of it all, sometimes delivering or explaining said information in a way that is non-techie, so it can be understood by the receiver (aka you, the client) can be a challenge.
Technology offers us a unique opportunity, though rarely welcome, to practice patience. And as it continues to evolve, so does the need to effectively communicate it.
The reason we wanted to talk about this touchy topic today, is not to make non-techie people feel bad about being non-techie, or not understanding our nerdy techie-talk ways. (Holy, tongue twister, LOL!) But so that you — as the business owner or client — can better understand where we’re coming from when we sometimes say, “It doesn’t work like that.” Or “That request is a bit short notice for the amount of time it takes to produce < insert project request >”
It’s not that we aren’t truly totally nerdily excited to work on whatever techie project you have in mind for us, in whatever crazy short amount of time you gave us, after coming up with this genius idea. Because that is totally false. We are so nerdy excited our socks probably fell right off! Sometimes it just boils down to everything that needs to happen on the back end. And if you’re not sure what types of projects we are referring to here, it could be anything from landing pages to websites, email campaigns to social media strategies … and so on. (Graphic design projects and eBooks too!)
To this very date, the best definition of technology I’ve heard is, “do more with less.”
And tech-savvy teams do just that!
We don’t create more work, more headaches, more hassles or more problems. We reduce all challenges (because we love to create) to help those in need or our services, by giving them more time freedom — all the while doing what WE LOVE.
And to pop in an oh so fitting quote by Elbert Hubbard …
One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary people. No machine can do the work of one ordinary person.
So, please don’t assume that everything in tech can magically be done with a couple click and a swoosh of our magical virtual wand. Also do your best to be realistic about your requests — especially when it comes to timelines. Nothing in the land of tech takes five minutes — even though it sounds simple. There’s an art to what we do, and we truly do our very best to make the process quick and painless. But we need time (and usually some funky music to work to the groove or utter silence to solve your technology pain point).
So, how does a techie professional, like us, explain technical ideas and solutions to a non-techie audience?
Well … in the same manner as one would any other information actually — in a clear and compelling way. The relative complexity of our message doesn’t mean we can’t be a good storyteller or convey the details, solutions, ideas, and information with an easy, fun, or even memorable approach. But it does take being mindful of the receiver and a heck of a lot of hard work.
One thing I’ve observed in the land of tech during my many jobs prior to solo-preneur’ing and now through VU, is that majority of tech experts talk to non-tech experts in a way that puts them down, and maybe even makes them feel stupid for not knowing or understanding how to fix said pain point themselves, how to create their idea virtually, or perhaps even how it broke in the first place. And this my friends … if this is YOU or has ever happened to you, it’s completely unacceptable.
Tech gurus need to remember, although technical jargon may be second nature for us to throw out acronyms like AWS, GCP, SWS, and VGP, certain terminology may confuse or disengage the less technically savvy receiver. And in some instances, they may not even care to know #AllTheThings … They just want whatever “it” is created or fixed. So, while working your magical virtual wand, take some time to make sure your receiver (or perhaps even audience) understands the context of the pain point. And if possible, avoid using jargon altogether and translate your second nature terminology into layman’s terms.
Speaking of “if they even want to know at all” …
This information is probably totally fascinating to you, but it may not be fascinating – or relevant – to “them”. So, if you feel the need to truly explain (perhaps to prevent said “thing” from reoccurring), keep it to the highlights. Focus on the initiatives and pain points they care about the most, and your interactions will have a much greater impact with the non-techies who are involved.
Think of things this way …
You have a health issue, so you go visit your doctor or take a trip to the hospital. When you finally get in to see the doctor and tell them about your pain, they don’t call you stupid then use a million terms to explain to you what’s wrong, how it happened in the first place or got this bad, and what you can do about it in ways you don’t understand.
They are kind. They talk to you about your pain in a way that you understand, without making you feel silly for not knowing #AllTheThings in medical land. Yes! They may use a handful of medical terms you consider jargon, but they always make the effort to explain in layman’s terms, then open the floor for questions.
Now, one of the best things about entrepreneurship is that it’s open to anyone and everyone. You don’t have to go through a million years of study to become a business owner – if you’ve got a stellar idea and can sell it, you can start right away, no matter your age. There are millions upon trillions of success stories about people who started their very own business from scratch, without a single qualification to back them up, and they made it big! People such as Bill Gates and Richard Branson — both were college dropouts. So, it’s clear you don’t need a crap ton of education to make it on your own, you just need that stellar idea and a heck of a lot of drive and determination to make #AllTheThings happen.
The truth is that today, tech is transforming and evolving to the way we live. And even though there’s no shortage of new tech devices, software, applications, and social spaces coming out every single day, people are ready for it, and they still want more.
Tech is about solving problems (aka. “pain points” as we like to call them!); sometimes people don’t even realize they had these pain points until they are presented with a solution. Nobody thought that they needed a smart fridge that sends them a list of everything in it when they’re at the supermarket so that they don’t shop for things they don’t need. But those who have one now … couldn’t possibly imaging living without it!
That being said, if you have an idea … a solution to a common pain point … an urge … the will to want to learn … to take on the world of tech on your own in your business … Let’s call this a version of “levelling the playing field”.
And it goes a little something like this …
- Know your sh*t (re: tech 101)
- Understand the basics
- Do the “dirty” work
- Take baby steps
- Expand your knowledge
- Know your tools (re: platforms)
- Foster your network
And above all … MAKE IT FUN!
But, if being a tech guru isn’t on your bucket list and you want (and need) the help, it’s out there. And with just a few simple courteous rules to keep in mind …
Protecting said time is the gateway to your success. So, using a time management platform and Cloud ways of sharing files and ideas is more than ideal for great teamwork — techie or not. Also try to be considerate of requests. For example: Asking for a brand-new landing page at 6:00pm on a Friday and wanting it completed on the same day is not a great idea. Not only is it not possible, and rude to request such craziness, you’ve just burnt your bridge with your techie.
We of course all like things “shiny and new” – but shiny and new doesn’t always mean better. We like to focus on new digital tools that work before diving into them headstrong. We need to consider the pros and cons and what we — as a team — want them to accomplish. Plus, being the nerdy tech gurus we are, we already have a “library” of know how in this department. As we’ve done the research, picked out a handful and happily mastered them.
Remember: Just because Karen’s using it and its new and 10 other people said it’s great, but it just launched last week … Doesn’t mean it’s the cat’s meow. (Yet!)
It most commonly kills good ideas and damages one’s brain. No joke! We techies like to focus on what we can control and by doing so and remaining optimistic, can open the entire team up to better forward-moving solutions. And for what we cannot control, we transform chaos into order. No matter the problem, there is nothing that can’t be solved.
We like to set incentives to reap the rewards — whether being a project completed efficiently and on time, and truly well-done. Or something that came “off the cuff” but worked out way better than anyone could have ever dreamed. The proof is in the pudding … smarter, faster, better, stronger.
So, as we’ve said many times before, technology drives the world in which we live and sometimes it can really drive us crazy. And for those non-born with a “digital thumb”, you need to nurture your garden of technology wonders in order for it to grow. You may never become a “master” (most of us gurus aren’t anyways as tech is always changing and evolving) but you can develop appreciation for the fruit.
Technology is best when it brings people together.
Well, then it’s TIME to stop just “surviving” and get untangled!
Begin Untangling with us. We are the digital glue to everything you do!
Let the digital “untangling” BEGIN … Just pop in your earbuds and hop onto one of your favourite channels by clicking any of the links below!
You can also find The Digital Glue Podcast HERE on our website, or by subscribing to our YouTube Channel.
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Crystal Kordalchuk
Crystal is an artist, a writer, an organizer, a dreamer, a doer, and down-right proud of it NERD!.
Struck with a love for #AllThings creative at a very young age, Crystal dreamed of a life fueled by her passion for creating and bringing the stories and images in her mind into reality.
As she worked toward her dreams, she earned a diploma as a Computer Applications Specialist then another in Graphic Design and from there began to develop her extensive background in multimedia and the arts. She began her worked in the magazine industry as a layout designer and had a succession of design jobs thereafter. It was her role as a graphic/web designer that gave her the first real glimpse of her future. Soon she began a side job as a freelance designer while keeping one foot in the corporate world. A spark was lit! She turned her freelance gig into a full-time business combining design work with her other passion: creating organization from virtual chaos.
Crystal is one of the most organized individuals on the planet. She is by all means a Zen master of her crafts. She excels at helping others become “untangled” and provides her clients with tools to run their businesses smoothly while she takes care of the details behind the scenes. Thus Virtually Untangled was born. A successful business where her work as a top notch creative in graphic and web — with a twist of virtual assistant — married into one amazing place where clients can come with their virtual messes and become magically untangled. Crystal can always make sense of even the most unorganized chaos and offers a virtual detox of order and peace, so her clients can get busy doing the work that they love the most.