Freakishly Effective Ways To Be More Productive!

(Snippits from our oh so popular Digital Glue Podcast!)

Last week we talked about how we fear we’re forever stuck living in a world filled with major stressors and never-ending to-do lists — which can be maddening some days and truly difficult to find time to just do, well, #AllTheThings while also trying to keep our sanity to also find mindfulness time to do absolutely nothing. I also dropped a quick mention on how getting things done also tends to feel a like a drug. We live in a fast-paced world that’s filled with beeps and boops, reminding us that we need to keep doing and being, thus the “addiction” to the joyful feeling of striking those to-do’s right off our list. Alongside a huge sigh of relief to have one less thing to worry about.

Today I want to stick to this topic, and next week too with “Productivity Strategies Backed By Science” before we switch gears into the last couple months of the year. However, today I want to take a crazy FUN twist with freakishly effective ways to boost and be more productive. That being said, let’s just dive right on in …!

While living in entrepreneur-land, some folks feel this lifestyle is all about how many things you can do on your own without a team or a sidekick. And how many things you can do in a short amount of time or by multitasking. And quite honestly, sometimes we just want to do it all, get it done quickly, and take care of #AllTheThings ourselves because we feel it will save us time and money. However, imagine this …

You’re scrambling to complete what feels like a million deadlines, attend 10+ Zoom’s a day, you’re answering a zillion emails (maybe even from multiple accounts), trying to ignore the calls and notifications coming from your phone, and maybe even the oh too many tabs you have open, and it feels like you’re wearing 25 different hats!

How does it feel to wear all those hats? Especially since you’re wearing them all at once.

I myself have been wearing this hat scenario way more times than I can count. Even quite recently. In my business, as well as most of the work I do for my clients, I am the graphic designer, the web designer, the social media guru, the IT specialist, the “help desk”, the virtual assistant, the proofreader, the brand specialist, the accountant, the project manager, the business developer, the operations manager, the sales manager, and this list literally goes on and on (and ON!) for what truly feels like forever …!

I still, to this day, have more hats than I can count, but now I try not to wear them all at once. Over the years I have learnt to combine them but never more than 3 or 4 at a time. Why? Because every hat deserves to be worn, appreciated, and admired separately. And really … It’s not a good look for you, your business, or your bottom line. Getting rid of some of your “hats” really boils down to three main things: productivity, organization and outsourcing. Today we’re going to focus on the freakishly productive part! The goal of today’s Digital Glue “untangling” episode is to help you find better ways for you (and your team if you have one!) to increase your level of productivity.

So, instead of trying to do so many damn things at once, feeling unaccomplished, stressed, and perhaps even hopeless at the end of each day, implement a few of these 10 “freakish” tips for at least 21 days — the time it typically takes to form any sort of new habit – and see yourself skyrocket to new heights … feeling accomplished, refreshed, and renewed!


If you’re anything like me, some days you find yourself typing the same email repeatedly. It gets annoying and truthfully, it’s a huge time waster! But guess what?!? There’s a way to streamline this!

You can re-use portions of your emails (or favourite phrases) that you tend to use in high frequency so you can stop this wretched rinse n’ repeat cycle. Plus, doing so will save you from carpal tunnel! Yup, stop writing them from scratch! How you ask?

Well, some platforms will allow you to save canned emails within your email settings so that way whenever you’re composing a brand spankin’ new email, you can save it as a “canned response” and re-use it later. But if you happen to not be a Gmail addict, like myself, there are alternate solutions …

And for this, I’m once again an Asana project management NERD!!!!

I created a separate team tab for #AllTheThings not project related and created individual “reference” tasks with the word “email” in all CAPS followed by the subject line. Then within the task description area, I wrote the email exactly as I’d like to always use it – fill-in-the-blanks where necessary and subject line included.

This way all I must do is hop into Asana, search or scroll to that section and task, copy, paste, and send.


Throughout your day, people will inevitably disrupt you to get your help or input on something. It’s so easy to say yes and take on more things, but this is counterproductive. Learn to say no more often to guard your time for your highest leverage activities. Saying “no” to something is easier said than done, but there are ways to achieve to that end without coming across as combative or crass.

When someone comes to you with a request that you need to say no to, simply ask them to give you 15 minutes (or some arbitrary interval of time) to finish what you’re working on then by the time you come around to find out what they wanted, they’ll often have figured it out on their own.



The Happiness Project author Gretchen Rubin likes to summarize her love for a consistent routine (which is our JAM over here!) using this quote from Flannery O’Connor:

If you do the same thing every day at the same time for the same length of time, you’ll save yourself from many a sink. Routine is a condition of survival.

While routine and repetition may seem boring, doing the same things at the same times each day empowers you to avoid decision fatigue, develop efficient habits, and complete tasks with speed and precision.


If you experience a slump in your usual productivity, a lack of motivation might be the culprit. Rekindle your drive by reflecting on why you truly do your work.

Reporting on Charles Duhigg’s book Smarter Faster Better, Slate reporter L.V. Anderson explains: “Motivation is the fuel for productivity in the face of apathy, and generating it is as simple as tying the task at hand back to a bigger, more important goal.”

Sometimes, asking yourself why you’re doing something simply isn’t enough, Anderson explains, as many people focus on surface-level motivations, such as keeping a job and paycheck. But Duhigg insists anyone can find a deep, meaningful “why” behind their work if they dig deep enough; he cited an example of people who clean hospitals finding deeper meaning in their contributions to patient healing. The why behind your work might not be obvious, but no matter what you do, keep digging until you find the motivation that gives you goosebumps.



The “2-Minute Rule” seems simple enough, but it’s a tactic that works to perpetuate a system of productivity. Often interpreted as completing any task you think of that should take 2 minutes or less right away, the 2-minute rule can kill employee productivity if you take it at face value and don’t carefully implement it.

To use the 2-minute rule successfully, you should schedule time to get your to-do list for the day in order. While building this list, you should find that there are some small tasks that seem like they can be done in a couple of minutes. Do them!

Always make sure to come back to your list and finish it, though. Don’t get bogged down in these small tasks and let them derail your day by taking up more time than they should.



Know what significant goals you want to work towards every day. I list a small number of high-value tasks or goals for the day.

That quote is one of my absolute favourites by Rachel Haurwitz, CEO of Caribou Biosciences.

Rachel states that she sits down each morning with a blank sheet of paper and asks herself, “How will I build my company today?” Doing the same will help you identify the most important tasks that you can complete throughout the day ahead, and saving your list allows you to track your progress as you check things off.

How many days have ended with you looking back and going, “Man, I’m not even sure what I accomplished today!” Obviously, every person must spend time doing some degree of menial or repetitive labour, but each day you spend working should somehow be contributing to your future success. And sometimes, using a list (like this) will help keep you on track and motivated since you’ll be able to take the day one thing at a time, rather than being overwhelmed with a bunch of unsorted ideas or running from one thing to another trying to figure out how to spend your time.



One productivity tip I’ve always loved is ‘eat the frog’ — which means tackling the most challenging, or least favorite task, first thing in the day.

You have your to-do list for the day, but the hardest question is where do you start? Well, it’s easier than you think … when you get started in the morning, you should tackle your least pleasant task first. Early in the day, you generally have the highest energy and the least distractions, making it easier to focus on difficult tasks. It also sets a positive tone for the day having tackled your hardest task first. One way to stick to this routine is to shut off all distractions. This means avoid checking your email, phone, or social media until the hardest task of the day is complete.



Take a moment to look at every top CEO, thought leader, executive, guru, or influencer you can think of … you will find that they all have one major thing in common – they wake up early! I know, I know … you’re not liking this idea and you’re probably thinking how can waking up earlier than 7:00 am truly make you more productive?!

But if you think about it, it will give you the time you need to start your day off right. Especially if you live in a busy household because you’ll be up before everyone else, starting your day in pure enjoyable silence. You won’t feel rushed each morning, and you will have more quiet time to do #AllTheThings you would otherwise be too distracted to do.

I started doing this a few years ago — with the exception of the few summer months we have here in Canada of course – as I like to take those few warm months to sleep in – kind of like extra vacation hours, LOL! Waking earlier has increased my productivity dramatically. I truly do believe the way in which you rise n’ shine each morning makes a huge difference (and impact) on your daily approach – in life and in business.

I typically find that I hit my sweet spot groove about an hour after waking – thus getting me to my desk and already working no later than 7:15 am. This way I get to actually take wellness breaks to do something inspiring or relaxing while most are barely getting their groove in motion – or perhaps even starting their day. Which also means I get to end my “workday” at a very reasonable hour. Thus, leaving the evening hours purely for myself and my family.



Let’s be honest with ourselves for a moment … I’m sure 99% of us compare ourselves and our businesses to one another’s. But if comparison becomes a regular habit, this is where jealousy, pride, depression, and arrogance begin to sprout roots. Which is the root of all evil.

It’s okay to do this occasionally. We’re only human. We try to see how we compare ourselves to the people around us or in our niche. We are all unique with unique circumstances so no matter where you are or what stage your business is in, someone will always have more AND less than you. So, instead of fighting the battle, try practicing gratitude instead. Focus on moving forward on your own journey and taking every opportunity to learn from one another. Be grateful for your fellow entrepreneur’s successes and let them help you identify business puzzle pieces that are missing, instead of feeling bad that they achieved something that you yet haven’t. Start being grateful and proud of yourself, your business, and your accomplishments.

There is no need for comparison. EVER!


When you’re feeling down in the dumps of stuck-ness it can be super frustrating. So, rather than continuing to press forward, it would be far more powerful to stand back and look at your process. Perhaps your whole problem is one of processing. Stuck-ness creates a world of its own and tends to bring along its downward energy friends, stress, anger, discouragement, languish, and impatience. So, before all those bad energy friends pile into your pity-party van, maybe it’s time to consider a full surrender to the stuck demon?

Fully surrendering doesn’t mean you’ll bring on neglect, it just means you will stay with it, see it through but with an entirely fresh new set of eyes and a change in mindset. A change in perspective …


Embarking on the journey towards entrepreneurship is exciting when envisioned in your mind but can be very daunting and demanding when materializing your ideas. Let me clearly state that being an entrepreneur is not for the faint-hearted. So, I’d like to end today’s episode with sideline of some “tough love” to assist you on your journey …

Above and beyond our freakishly productive tips you also need to have:

  • Willpower
  • Commitment
  • Perseverance
  • Courage
  • Determination
  • Thick skin

And …

  • Resiliency


My “untangling” team and I truly believe that one main golden key to being successful is to recognize your strengths and areas where there is room for improvement. (Once again, we despise the word “weakness”.) It will then be easier to move forward when you know where you already are. Remember, opportunities surely don’t grow on trees so make sure you find some time to also work on yourself by working on all these important qualities so that you can be truly excited about what you’re sharing with the world through the eyes of your business.

By adapting to some of these freakishly productive habits and “tough love” traits, you will be able to reduce your daily, weekly and yearly stress therefore save yourself years on your life. Plus, it will also keep you sharp, laser focused and organized! You will be able to tackle all your business “goodies” with a better frame of mind!

To us here at VU, being organized isn’t about getting rid of everything you own or trying to become a different person; and being nerdy productive isn’t just about feeding “the drug” of striking things off our list(s) … it’s about living the way we want to live, but better. And stronger.

Granted, it may take a bit of effort (or a lot depending on how out of sorts things have gotten for you) but creating an productive goal oriented business life will allow you to use your time and efforts more efficiently. You will become the master of your time and money — not the other way around. And not only that, but the more thought out your plan and days are, the less you will need to worry about #AllTheThings!


Let the digital “untangling” BEGIN … Just pop in your earbuds and hop onto one of your favourite channels by clicking any of the links below!


You can also find The Digital Glue Podcast HERE on our website, or by subscribing to our YouTube Channel.

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Picture of Crystal Leach

Crystal Leach

Crystal Leach (previously Kordalchuk) is not your average business owner; she's a visionary, a creative force, a powerful "untangler", and a virtuoso of organization. Her unique journey, guided by the philosophy of 'Dream big, then make it happen,' is a testament to her passion and precision. From a young age, Crystal was drawn to #AllThingsCreative. She envisioned a life where her imagination could flourish, artistry could transcend boundaries, and dreams could become tangible realities. Armed with coloured pencils, art paper, and journals, she embarked on a journey to craft the life she had always dreamed of.

Crystal's academic journey began with a diploma as a Computer Applications Specialist, a field that laid the foundation for her understanding of technology and its creative applications. This was followed by another diploma in Graphic Design, which honed her artistic skills and further fueled her passion for creativity. These educational experiences paved the way for her multifaceted career in multimedia and the arts.

However, Crystal's story doesn't end with design prowess; it evolves into a narrative of transformative organizational mastery. She possesses a rare gift for turning chaos into order, for “untangling” the most intricate virtual webs. As head pixel polisher and chief #Nerd of #AllTheThings (aka. Zen master of organization and processes), Crystal founded Virtually Untangled, a haven where creativity meets streamlined efficiency.

All her clients experience a virtual detox of order and peace at Virtually Untangled. She expertly navigates through tangled digital landscapes, offering clarity and structure so her clients can focus on what they do best. Her favourite quote, "Loving ourselves through the process of owning our story is the bravest thing we will ever do," encapsulates her journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Crystal indulges in her passions when she's not transforming virtual chaos into streamlined perfection. You'll often find her in her home art studio, exploring Manitoba's vibrant markets and culinary delights, creating new foodie adventures for her loved ones, indulging in new creative works of art in many forms, and nerd’ing out with her amazingly wonderful husband (David) in the Sci-Fi media world and by being his gaming sidekick with Fallout 76. Her life is truly a testament to the extraordinary possibilities that unfold when creativity and organization harmonize. Her message is clear: embrace your creativity, own your story, and believe anything is possible.

And right now ... she invites you to join her on a journey of discovery, empowerment, and boundless inspiration.

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